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Your One Stop Shop for all your Social & Healthcare Needs

Quality Policy

ARC Learning Ltd

Quality Policy

As a company, Arc Learning Ltd aims to achieve the following:

  • Offer a “least cost” solution to our customers – based on a level of performance at least consistent with the minimum requirements of the latest published or implied codes of practice.
  • Where appropriate, offer a fully costed “best practice” solution.
  • Ensure that all clients and customers are in agreement with all implications of their preferred option before starting work.
  • Provide any subsequent training, maintenance as required.
  • Be courteous and prompt in all our activities.
  • Ensure that any agents or sub-contractors employed by us act always in a manner which would be expected of directly employed personnel.

To help us achieve, maintain and improve this service our quality management system is designed in accordance with the internationally recognised standard ISO 9001:2015 (Quality management systems requirements). Our quality system will be fully certified and reviewed regularly by an independent certification body. The services covered by our quality system are training, consultancy and equipment servicing to the Care, HR and Education sectors.

The quality objectives we set are reviewed regularly and updated where applicable. This policy also undergoes a regular review at least once a year to ensure it is still relevant to the company and our operations.

As a company, ARC Learning Ltd strives to continually improve our service and the effectiveness of our quality management system.

To ensure that all employees and freelance consultants are aware of this policy, and what we are trying to achieve, this policy is communicated through our training and awareness plan. It is also made available on our website for any other interested parties.

Date:  12/04/16